Monday, February 15, 2010

Doing it God's Way

It really irks me whenever I see the title of something that claims to be "God's Way", like "Raising Kids God's Way" or "Managing Your Money God's Way" or "Sweeping the Floor God's Way", or whatever. This immediately implies that if the reader does not implement the methods contained within, they are doing contrary to God's will. If you have created a method based on Bible-harvested principles, then say so, and please share it with the world. But to say that your method is God's Way is presumptuous and egoistic. Because, in actuality, God's ways are shockingly different from our own. He draws straight lines with crooked sticks, creates beauty out of garbage, and slays his only true son in order that worms like us can be his adopted children. God's ways blow our minds.


vicduncan said...

His ways are mysterious, he works through our weaknesses, and he uses what Satan intends for evil for his good. It certainly is impossible to narrow down what "God's way" is. Romans 11:33-36. Thanks for the thought-provoking post, Keri!

Tommy and Mommy said...

You have put your finger on why that irritates me so much! Many thanks.